“There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Nelson Mandela
What do you think of when you hear the word passion?
I asked this question on social media recently and got a variety of answers. A friend of mine said, “Passion can only be defined by the one who feels it.”
I agree completely.
For me, passion is a driving force that allows me to live out my purpose. I believe we were all put here to become the best version of ourselves and to love others. So how do we do this well? I think it depends on your values and your priorities. The cool thing about life is we all get to make these choices for ourselves.
I found an awesome definition for passion recently: A willingness to suffer for what you love. Profound.
I bet if I asked 100 people what they were willing to suffer for, I’d get 100 different answers. This simple question tells me so much about a person and their priorities.
This is where self-reflection comes in. Our priorities change as the seasons of our lives change. We are always in flux. New relationships, career changes, family situations all play a role in who we become as people.
The people who have impacted me the most are the ones who live to realize their passions. The ones who go out of their way to improve the lives of the people around them. The ones who give with no explanations in return. Passion is contagious. People who make a difference in their own lives and the world do so by following their passion.
Take time this summer to find and follow your passion. See where it takes you!