Michigan has approximately 3,000 teens in foster care at any given time. Many of these individuals will leave foster care without a family, leaving them with no one to call for help, advice, or guidance. As of July 2020, Kalamazoo county alone has 115 teens in care ages 14-21. We need foster families here and around the state to show these individuals unconditional love and support as well as help guide them into the next chapters of their lives.
Foster care teens come from many backgrounds and need a positive adult role model to help guide through the transitions of life. They need to feel the joy of knowing a respected adult cares for them and understands their feelings and emotions.
There are many programs to help our foster teens move through childhood and into young adult life. Youth in Transition provides funding for services and resources for youth transitioning out of foster care.
These funds are intended to help youth become successful adults. Youth in Transition funds can be used for things like education, employment, or health.
Michigan Youth Opportunities Initiative is a program that focuses on financial literacy and youth advocacy. The program provides training on money management, and skills that help foster youth become successful adults. Local youth boards serve as a support network and are a way to share teens’ voices and thoughts on making the child welfare system better.
The Young Adult Voluntary Foster Care Program provides continued support for youth until age 21.
Extending foster care to age 21 offers a safety net of supportive services and financial benefits during critical transition to adulthood including extension of foster care payments, continued oversight by a case worker for additional support, counseling services, continued health care coverage, training in independent living skills, more time to finish high school and pursue vocational or secondary education.
A Michigan foster youth needs your unconditional love and support. If you are considering becoming a foster parent or have any questions, call a Foster Care Navigator at 855-MICHKIDS.