Christmas, the holiday season and all it encompasses, is a season of hope. There’s a reason there are so many decorations with the words “BELIEVE” and “HOPE” spanned across them. Originated on the Christian side of things, it had first spoken to the hope of Jesus and his birth. And although beliefs may be different, the hopeful spirit of the season continues, despite what you or I may or may not believe.
We’re a hopeful culture. Oddly optimistic in some of the darkest of times. But I am sure with 2020, some of that hope has faded.
(Yes, you can breathe a sigh of relief.) The year we continued to make jokes and memes about, relegating any mishap or drawback to a “Well, that’s just 2020,” is truly, finally, over.
We are a little beaten. I honestly was unsure what condition myself or ourselves as a country, or world would be at the end of this. Many of us lost our jobs. Some lost friends and family to COVID and other reasons. We mourned and adjusted alone and/or isolated. Yet, in some ways, it is a bit remarkable how
things turned out. Where we are now. And in a lot of ways, the darkness continues and we still have a lot to fight through.
At the time I’m writing this (mid- November), Michigan is yielding 7,000+ new COVID-19 cases a day. In one day. As a whole, our nation holds about 20% of the world’s COVID cases and deaths, putting us at number one for both in the world.
Because of that, we have been inside for months. At least the warmer months provided some natural (and safe) escape. I am sure by the time you read this, we are on another lockdown of some sort. No holiday parties. You most likely are not planning on seeing your family in person.
I realize I am painting a grim picture here, but hear me out.
As we go to print, Pfizer and Moderna released early positive trial results with what appears to be effective COVID-19 vaccines. Many of us are thrilled! THERE IS HOPE. Granted, quantities are extremely limited, and most of us as day-to-day civilians will not get our hands on it until late spring, at the very, very earliest. But, a vaccine is on it’s way, with other companies in the world working on some as well.
To add, things are changing in Washington too, with a new president to take the helm next month, with plans to implement measures to help control this virus and hopefully slow down the deaths. I am not sure what we can expect, but it will all be to prevent the loss of loved ones.
2021 will most likely be off to a dark beginning, but there is light.
I will be the first to admit I am more of a realist, and I can find all the reasons to not be hopeful. However, I earnestly believe we should be hopeful. And perhaps that is the spirit of the season speaking more than anything. Things will not be fixed or cured overnight, but we get a little closer with each passing day. The holiday will certainly feel a little empty without the people we love the most. Yet, we can remain hopeful things can change enough that we are able to do a little of what we missed out on this year. And we did in fact make it through 2020, which felt impossible.
So, here’s to hope in 2021. May your holidays be as cheerful and delightful as can be.
Lalita is our Editor, Writer and occasional photog. Her 13 years of writing has landed features with Panorama, published poetry and even a short film. She spends any extra time she can quenching her wanderlustian needs by finding new places to adventure with her other half, writing, or playing with their motorized toys.